Questions and AnswersÂ
1. What is Shanarasacredenergyhealingenergycenter about?
According to some, the word Shanara means Ruler/God. In another definition, it means beautiful soul. I choose this name because it came to me when I asked my guides to help me find a name that means soul. A little background about the word soul. I was trying to figure out what I should call my business. I had a dream and in the dream was in neon green sign with the word SOUL. So I knew I had to have the word soul in my business name. I thought a lot of people use soul in their name so I wanted a more unique meaning of the word. I was sitting in my niece's room in Jamaica when the word Shanara came to me. I looked up the word and it meant beautiful soul. It was perfect for me and that's why I have that name.
Many of us know what sacred means but in my definition, it means something not easily accessed by people from a library. It means something that is out of the ordinary. It also means something that the universe may have given to only you and it holds a special knowledge. This knowledge may come through meditation or guided sound healing and other things like healing symbols or just a word.
Energy Healing in the name is an alternative medicine based on the belief that healers can channel healing energies in their clients that result in a positive change. It is also the belief that energy exists in all of us and that energy healing is used to balance the energy within us. It can be used to reduce stress and promote well-being. It can also be used to shift your programmed belief that you can not heal yourself and also heal some diseases.
The final word in the name is center. When I use the word Center it means two things. The first is the center of your heart and the second is a place where people gather to get help from anything. The main thing I would be focusing on is the center in your heart space and it doesn't matter if you are in person or virtual as long as you are in your heart space and you fill it with love and breathe in love frequencies you will become centered and grounded.
2. What do you get with this service?
You get free audio meditation and we will do customized visual meditations during your sessions.
3. What do I do first?
The first thing I will teach you is how to get to the zero point. The zero point in my opinion is being centered, filling your heart with love frequencies, and being grounded. We do this through breath. Breathing is everything it is what we can use to heal our bodies. Jesus in the bible breathed the breath on his disciples and gave them the spirit. When we came into this world we take our first breath. Breath is life and it can heal us.
The next thing I will do if you need chakra clearing and rebalancing I will do a guided meditation to clear any blockages you have.
4. What is a chakra clearing?
Our bodies have different energy points on our body. Chakra means wheel. They are to remain open so we can live in bliss and one with ourselves and the universe.
In my teachings and for the meditations I will use the seven main ones. They are the root which is located at the base of the spine -color is red, Sacral has the sex organs below the navel-color orange, solar chakra located in the tummy area above the navel- color yellow, heart color green, throat color blue, third eye this is between your eyes-color indigo and the crown which your head-color is violet.
5. What is sound healing?
The sound healing I do is a vocal channeled sound specific to your situation. It may last for 3 minutes or longer. It can be used with singing bowls. The benefits of sound healing are endless. Sound healing reduces stress, lowers cholesterol, reduces coronary artery disease, lowers blood pressure, improves sleep, and gives fewer mood swings. The light language might come through for you if I am led to do it. Light language according to my definition is a language that comes from your soul. It is a language that bypasses human limitations around the meaning of words. It is a language that is channeled and is said to be received from angels, elementals, or galactic beings and anything that comes through for you. It might be compared to speaking in tounges but it is different. The language is channeled. It might be sung or spoken, written, danced, symbols, or art. These are some of the ways light language can come through. If you have an open mind and heart you can set your intentions on getting healed without having expectations. Just relax and receive.
6. How much does it cost?
Every healing session is different the cost is normally discussed during the FREE consultation? Some sessions last for one hour some can go as long as four to six hours. If you are doing hypnotherapy that sometimes might take more than two hours. More things are normally discussed during the consultation.
After every healing, you will get homework something you need to do for yourself to help the process. You might have vivid dreams and during the meditations, you might see things. Some people see colors, spirit animals, and hear sounds. You might cry, smile, and burp among other things. These are all a part of the healing process and we call it purging. It is the way how we release energies that don't serve our highest good.
7. What is the payment method?
When it is time to pay you can pay via cash app or PayPal. This is usually provided after the 15-minute consultation.
One more thing is drinking water this is very important during the healing process.